Imagine one day the Storybook of all the stories you know is stolen, and the Storyteller doesn't know how characters have to behave, what their destiny is and how their adventures develop. So odd!
That's exactly what happens in the show the first classes of our school went to see last Tuesday: an ironic and amusing show that mixes up different characters from different stories and gives them an unsual "life". So, Little Red Riding Hood takes her grandma not a basket of cakes, as it is in the famous fairy tale, but sandwiches with bacon and nutella (disgusting!), Cinderella's stepsister is eaten by the Wolf, and Pinocchio eats the empoisoned apple that is usually Snow White's. The Wicked Queen makes off with the Storybook and in Storyland everything gets chaotic.
But that's not for ever, because the Storyteller ..... if you want to know how the show ends up, why don't you ask the students of 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D?
We bet they'll tell you everything.
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